Ideally, some people would say, we should not have to carry any credit cards. Just pay with cash and stay away from debt. Going by the cases on reality TV, this is probably a good principle for a large number of households in North America, especially those who have racked up many years' worth of debt.

However, there are others who have the discipline to pay off their balances on time and avoid paying interest altogether. In some cases, these cards come with purchase protection, rental insurance, reward points, roadside assistance, membership privileges, or even an annual cash rebate. If you fall into this category of card user, which one is best for you?
That's where the trouble is. It depends on how much you spend on groceries, gas, entertainment, etc. It also depends on how many cards you're willing to carry and how long you're willing to wait to redeem the bonus points. There are simply too many parameters to think about to come up with a quick answer. But the good news is, there's this wonderful website called
Can I Pay Less that does the number crunching for you.
For more information and a fun and easy test drive, check out
their website.