WEATHER UPDATE: Bundle up, especially if you're coming with kids or seniors! It's getting colder throughout the day, and there's nothing we can do to prorogue it. If you don't bundle up, we might have to get to Queen's Park via the PATH underground city instead.

're leaving (what tense is that?) Wednesday morning
at 10:30 a.m. on the Southbound Platform of Sheppard Yonge Station for a field trip downtown.
The train leaves at 10:34 a.m. (what's the tense?) Don't be late. We're covering possibly Yorkville and Bloor, Philosopher's Walk, and the University of Toronto, before participating in a guided tour of Queen's Park at 12 noon.
Bring good walking shoes, some water and snacks, and a camera. Watch the weather forecast for the day. We should be done by 1:30 p.m. Let's have a merry good time!