So, with no school all week next week, what are you going to do? The good news is that the weather will stay warm throughout March Break. The challenge, however, is what to do as the family? There's always the boob tube, but that may not be the healthiest option.
- March break fun for moms
- Stuck Indoors?
- Fun-filled family events for March break
- March break fun in Toronto East
- 10 tourist spots to hit with the kids during March Break
Meanwhile, the Toronto Sun offers "Good news for March Break travellers." Beyond the Star and the Sun, several other websites and blogs come to the rescue:
- offers information on family, kids, teens and day camps
- features must-see events, shopping diversions, and things to do "on the cheap"
- CTV Toronto highlights "Lots to do" in city-run activities
- For those who have a car, there are things to do north of Toronto
- This blogger touts nature camps and music camps
- Global Toronto suggests some unusual destinations
- And this out-of-town paper gives an overview of who's going where and a peek into a hotel deal in Downtown Toronto
Now, go forth and frolic this March Break, but don't forget to come back to class on Monday, March 22nd. Also, please share your ideas and experiences by placing a Comment below or by updating your own blog.
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