UPDATE: Please check out the Toronto Star's report on "Grubby TTC Stations" (Star picture above) here and remember to return to me the hard copies of your completed questionnaires.
Ten of us MicroSkills volunteers (including Bruce, Max, Jie, Irene, Apphia, Dylan, Zumurod, and Susan, with little Dingding in tow) scanned, scoured, and scrutinized one of the TTC's less busy subway stations, Bessarion, today as part of Councillor Joe Mihevc's TTC Passenger Audit.
Although things looked pretty good at first glance, you never know what can surface when a group of intelligent, enthusiastic, and nitpicky LINC learners are turned loose. Discarded bottles of mineral water, PowerAde, and VitaminWater; disposable plastic knives; and cigarette butts appear at the most unlikely places. Graffiti on emergency alert fixtures, water streaks and stains on the floor and wall "art," and, most hideously, missing ceiling bits--these were all duty noted on the audit questionnaires.
Work done, it was time to regroup and say good-bye to Bessarion Subway Station, one of our class's least eventful field trip destinations. Hopefully, our sacrifice will go some way in making the TTC accountable and our city great.
But next to the bike post-and-ring bikestands above ground, what was this minivan doing, parked right under the No Parking sign?
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