However, could there be a good side to it?
It depends. If you're looking to popular culture, the jack o' lanterns, the ghost masks and costumes, witches on broomsticks, trick o' treating, horror movies, Samhain, etc., forget it. The same goes for the crazy amounts of candies kids collect on that day--any parent knows that can't be good for weight or attention management!
But if you check out the history of Halloween, especially that particular one in 1517 in Wittenberg, Germany, you will see the event that helped a town, a nation, and the world overcome a thousand years of darkness, superstition, fear, and corruption, an event that gave us what we now call western civilization or the free world(including this great country of Canada!).
The Halloween of 1517 is one alternative celebration embraced by those who don't really go for the ghouls or the candies.
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