Additional Announcements


1. Click the link to see the Smart Commute Schedule for the Don Mills Corporate Shuttle.

2. Chris Searles, the student-teacher from Seneca College who did his practicum with us in February 2012, has kindly indicated his availability for private English lessons. Please contact him by email at (delete "2012").

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Listening Excercise - Behavioural Interviews

Audio 4.4: Listen to a radio show guest talk about behavioural interviews. Answer the following questions.
  1. How does a behavioural interview differ from a traditional interview?
  2. What does an interviewee need to be able to do in a behavioural interview?
  3. How can someone prepare for a behavioural interview?
  4. What does SAR stand for?
  5. Write an answer to the following behavioural interview question: “Describe a time you had a conflict with a co-worker and what you did to resolve the conflict.”
Now, watch five video lessons from youtube and blog your learnings.

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