Additional Announcements


1. Click the link to see the Smart Commute Schedule for the Don Mills Corporate Shuttle.

2. Chris Searles, the student-teacher from Seneca College who did his practicum with us in February 2012, has kindly indicated his availability for private English lessons. Please contact him by email at (delete "2012").

Sunday, October 31, 2010

An Upbeat Dictation Exercise!

First, listen to Dr. Kimberly Alyn's 3-minute 10-second speech. What kind of phrasal verbs does she use?

Now watch the video again and post a list of all those phrasal verbs. How many of them are there? What do they mean? Pick five of your favourite and write a sentence or paragraph for each to bring out its meaning.

Finally, if you like, take dictation of her speech from beginning to end. Read it to a friend over the phone! Was it fun? What kind of response did you get?

P.S. Don't forget to post the website that has the full transcript of this speech--you should be able to find it by googling!

Answers here:,

1 comment:

  1. listen up; stay up; show up; wait up; sad up; back up; catch up; give up; keep up; listen up; sit up; weak up; mind up; make up; easy up; open up; save up; shut up; ...pick up;
    speed it up; help them up; step up; weak it up;
    turning it up; pony up; back it up; take it up; look it up; hold it up; shake up, sogal up...
