Additional Announcements


1. Click the link to see the Smart Commute Schedule for the Don Mills Corporate Shuttle.

2. Chris Searles, the student-teacher from Seneca College who did his practicum with us in February 2012, has kindly indicated his availability for private English lessons. Please contact him by email at (delete "2012").

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you have the essential skills for getting a job in Canada?

Many of us do not have much "Canadian experience," that magical thing all employers ask for but are unwilling to provide. But did you know you might have a whole lot of skills to offer, skills that are valuable to Canadian employers, skills that are essential to any job?

Canada's Human Resources and Skills Development Canada has identified nine "essential skills" for the labour market. They are:
•Reading Text

•Document Use



•Oral Communication

•Working with Others

•Continuous Learning

•Thinking Skills

•Computer Use
 You can assess your own skills online or in printed form here:
•Online Indicator
•Paper Based Indicator


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